Scarlet & Silver

Our club colours are scarlet and silver.

The Silver represents Sheffield's world-famous steel industry.  

​The colour scarlet is taken from the aprons traditionally worn by workers in the steel mills.

Combined, they reflect the unity between individuals and their craft, a fundamental part of our sport and city.

Our city values bright thinking and hard graft.

We wear our colours with pride!

Our logo incorporates the club colours on the traditional Macon oar design.

The sheaf of wheat is taken from the origin of Sheffield, Sheaf - field. 

The seven individual strands making up the sheaf represent the seven hills and rivers which Sheffield is built upon. 

Our race kits are made by Stitch Rowing and can be purchased at any time.

We also run some limited time order windows from other manufacturers for bespoke items of kit.

Our blazers are made by the fantastic Collier and Robinson and due to their unique design they are not available all year round but specific orders can be made through the club during designated windows.